
Infobox got our Manufacturing and Inventory Operational reporting up and running in a week time.
Professional services and support provided by Infobox were timely and came at a great help to put the tool into immediate use.

AutoQC is so simple and flexible solution for data quality / validation. Dataeware provided a fully integrated solution that met our requirements.
We have automated external data quality and data validation with complex rules and Auto QC supports it perfect.
Company News
Infobox version 2.1 Released
Infobox 2.1 is packaged with powerful tools like Snapshot, Scheduling.. more...
Affymax deploys Auto QC
For our MDM data quality and data validation with complex rules and Auto QC supports it perfect. more...
Leeyo implements the Infobox
Infobox to manage their core Database performance metrics..more...