BI Reporting Made Complex
With evolution of various tools and to satisfy the needs for shopisticated data analytical features, BI rpeorting has been complicated to huge extent. Operational reporting capabilities are tied to the BI platforms and real time operational reporting has become a challenge.
InfoBox is a light weight BI reporting tool which simplifies operational reporting, ad-hoc reporting and real time dashboards publishing. It leverages simple SQL statements to generate Dashboards, analytical reporting, trend analysis, pivotting on web. No need for complex data modeling, data warehousing technology and special skill sets to build the reports.
Building a dashboard using Infobox is as easy as writing a SQL query and selecting columns that identifies data groups and data points. That's it. With a click of a button, the report can be part of the Dashboard and it's ready for the users to look at it.
Following features are available in Dashboards:
Different Type of Charts can be used
Drilldowns can be built to another Dashboard or Detail Reports
Configurable Filters for each Dashboard Page
Users can personalize by hiding/showing Dashboard objects based on their needs
Complete dat asecurity applied to the Dasboard query
Analytical Reporting
Enabling operational reporting and providing all tools necessarry for the user to personalize reports out of master report and still maintain the link with the master report. This works exactly like excel where you can take the master report and create multiple personalized reports and store it as worksheets. The beauty is all the worksheets are stored in the tool and no need to store locally and search for it all the time.
Analytical reporting provides exhaustive tools like data search, additional computed columns, charts out of detail data, exception reporting and ofcourse downloading to various formats like Excel, PDF, XML...
Following features are available in Analytical Reporting:
Complete Tools for Analyzing data
Create personalized reports out of master report
Complete Data Security rules applied to the data queried
Email, Schedule and Snapshot of reports
Share personalized report to peer users